In Cold Blood

Dennis Quaid as Herb Clutter 

Herb Clutter: The father of the Clutter family. He has built up his life from very little and is now one of the richest men in Holcomb. His estate, which he calls River Valley Farm, keeps him wealthy. He is a very gentile man and much loved by all of the people in the small town in which he lives. In the end, his righteous and well-to-do lifestyle plays him into the hands of his killers, who make him first the target of their attempted robbery and, later, a scapegoat for their own resentments. He would be a labrador because he is so kind and loyal. He never lets down anyone and is extremely giving.


Lauren Holly as Bonnie Clutter 

Bonnie Clutter: Herb's wife. She suffers a lot of mental disorders and a severe case of depression. She is apologetic and nervous all of the time. Even though she hates not being able to be a stronger mother to her children, she cannot help but spend most of her time withdrawen from society and in bed. She would be a butterfly because she is really pretty but also very shy and timid. People don't realize how frail she is and because she knows her own limitations, she doesn't go out much.


Emma Watson as Nancy Clutter 

 Nancy Clutter: She is a popular sixteen year old girl who everyone loves in Holcomb. As leader of the 4-H, class president, and soon to be prom queen, her future is very promising. She also has a boyfriend named Bobbie. Nancy spends her last day baking a cherry pie with her young neighbor, instructing another girl in music, and caring for her horse, Babe. During the attempted robbery, prior to her murder, she casually talks with the intruders in an oddly friendly fashion; Perry later claims to have liked her, in spite of what he later does to her. She would be a kitten because she is very innocent. Everyone who knows her loves her as well.


Shai Lebouf as Kenyon Clutter 

Kenyon Clutter: The youngest of the Clutter family. He is fifteen and is not as social as Nancy. Often, he is described as awkward. He prefers to spend his time in thebasement workshop, where he does carpentry and mechanical projects. He also hunts rabbits, and spends time in his pickup truck with his friend Bob Jones. He would be a mouse because they are generally unassuming and plain. They do not like to compete and they are not very social.


 Robert Downey Jr. as Dick Hickock

Richard "Dick" Hickock: Dick is the one to plan the robbery of the Clutters, but changes his mind when the time comes to carry out the murders, and instead stands watching as Perry executes all four members of the family. Dick is a self-assured, smooth-talking criminal, who is always scheming to make money, but at times his bluster outstrips his real commitment to the plans he initiates.  By the end of the book, however, the reader becomes aware of some of Dick’s own insecurities: his failure to achieve financial security and support his first wife, Carol, and their three children, and his sexual interest in young girls, both of which he compensates for with bravado and reckless criminal actions. He would be the lion because he is strong and brave on the outside but on the inside, he has many doubts of himself.


Leonardo DiCaprio as Perry Smith

Perry Smith: Perry is responsible for the deaths of all four members of the Clutter family. Even though he originally resists even the idea of the robbery, the atmosphere of the home causes him to unleash all his frustrations and the Clutters become the target of his fury. Unlike Dick, he is very nervous that the police will find him and he never stops thinking about what will happen to him. He comes from an extremely troubled background but he is still sensitive, thoughtful, creative, and very smart. Often the book remarks about his short stature and how they thought the murderer would be taller. Because of this, he would be a donkey. He is small but still capable of carrying the heavy burden as a donkey would be able to carry a heavy load.


Jake Gyllenhall as Alvin Dewey 

Alvin "Al" Dewey: Dewey is the lead investigator on the Clutter case, and, as a former friend of Herb and Bonnie, he develops an obsessive interest in tracking down the killers, sacrificing his physical and mental health for the six weeks they are at large. He lives in Garden City with his wife and two sons, and through Dewey we experience the many of the mixed emotions circulating in the town pertaining to the search, arrest, and trial of the two killers. He is so engrossed in the murder he loses sleep and his sanity over it. He doesn't believe his life will return to normal until he catches the ones who murdered his good friends. He would be a bloodhound because they are always tracking down its victims. The bloodhound has often been used by the police to find escaped prisoners, missing persons, etc.

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